Cleaning stainless steel Cleaning stainless steel, First of all, it must be clear what type of contamination / pollution must be removed. Everything can happen during the process from raw material to recycling, which makes a cleaning operation important. To begin with, contamination / contamination can occur during transport, storage, treatment and processing of the stainless steel. Very well known is contamination with iron and / or rust particles during processing, often from contaminated tools or incorrect storage. In case of incorrect storage, you can think of storage of steel and stainless steel in the same space. What I have also seen were plates of stainless steel stored on the floor with the prints of work shoes on the plates. The problem with these types of contaminants is that they can eventually lead to serious corrosion. It is best to remove this type of contamination chemically, for example by: - Pickling and passivation - Electrolytic polishing and - Electrolytic...
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